Point of sale in TallyPrime

Point of sale in TallyPrime Point of sale in TallyPrime पोस्ट में हम जानेंगे कि Point of sale (POS) क्या है। Point of sale के advantages क्या हैं, POS invoice को टैली प्राइम में रिकॉर्ड कैसे करते हैं और payment के multiple mode में POS invoice को कैसे रिकॉर्ड करते हैं। Point of sale एक बिलिंग प्रक्रिया है। रिटेल शॉप में use होने वाले अलग अलग POS है जैसे cash register, card reader, bar-code scanner etc. POS invoice को single या multiple payment modes में रिकॉर्ड किया जा सकता है। टैली प्राइम में POS को प्रिन्ट कर सकते हैं। रिपोर्ट में POS के लेनदेन की list देख सकते हैं। टैली प्राइम में configure में POS को activate करना होता है। Point of sale के advantage - Sale को calculate करने में मदद मिलती है। Cash को manage करने में मदद मिलती है। Inventory को manage करने में मदद मिलती है। Bar-code scan करने में मदद मिलती है। Inventory और sales database की query को लचीला और सरल तरीका प्रदान करने में मदद मिलती है। Product movement को track करने में मदद मिलती है। Sale date और time को track करने और rec

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

How to create, Alter and shut Company in Tally ERP9 post, we will see how to create company and after create company how to alteration in company and after that how to how to shut company

Create Company

Create a new company in Tally as follows -

Double click on Tally icon

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

Gateway of tally - Company Info window will open.

Enter on Create Company

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

Now the company creation window will open. It will fill all the details. After filling every detail, we will come to the second detail using the enter key.

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

1.  Directory - Here the company's data (on the system) is saved. By default the tally directory will be updated in C:\Users\Public\Tally.ERP\Data path. You can change the path.

2.  Name - Write here the name of the company which you created. If you are an accountant, then write the name of the company you are working with.

3.  Mailing name - The name of the company comes here automatically. If you want to change then you can change.

4.  Address - Let's write the company's address here. You can write in any number of lines.

5.  Country - Write the name of the country in which your company is located. Just like if you want to write India, either enter India by typing it or you can select from the list of countries.

6.  State - Write the state name where is your company. You can either enter the full state name or select it from the list of states.

7.  Pin code - Enter the company's PIN code.

8.  Contact detail -

  • Phone no - Enter the phone number of the company.
  • Mobile no - Enter the mobile number.
  • Fax no - Enter the fax number. If you don't have fax number then move to the next detail.
  • E-mail - Enter the e-mail address.
  • Website - If there is a website, write here, and move to the next detail.
9.  Financial year begins from - The financial year of companies in India is from 1st April to 31st march. The financial year is of 12 months.

10.  Books beginning from - The financial year starts from 1st April but if your business is new and you have started in any other month after April, then write the date from which you started business.

11.  Tally vault password (if any):- If you want to protect your company from others, enter a password here.

After this password a copy of the company will be created. The company will not open without a password. If you forget the password then all the data of the company will be lost.

12.  Repeat password - Here once again enter the same password.

13.  Use Security Control - If you have to give the password here, then enter by typing Y.
  • Name of administrator - Enter name.
  • Password - Enter password.
  • Repeat password - Enter the same password again.
Only authorized users can enter / delete / edit vouchers in the tally after giving password.
If you do not want to give the password here, then leave it and move to the next detail.
Base Currency Information
  • Base Currency Symbol: ₹ (enter)
  • Formal Name: INR (enter)
  • Suffix Symbol to Amount: No (enter)
  • Add spaces between the amount and symbol: Yes (enter)
  • Show amount in Millions: Yes (enter)
  • Number of decimal places: 2 (enter)
  • Word representing amount after decimal: paisa (enter)
  • No of decimal places for amount in words: 2 (enter)
After filling all the details, message will show (accept yes or no).
Press enter key and again press enter key to accept the details.
You can also accept by pressing CTR: + A
Company will be created in Tally

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

Alter Company

Go to Gateway of Tally and press ALT +F3
Click on Alter.

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

The list of companies made in Tally will come. Then select the company in which you want to make changes and then enter it. Company creation window will open

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

Enter whatever you want to changes. After making changes, you can save it with CTRL + A

Delete Company

Go to Gateway of Tally and Press ALT + F3.
Click on Alter. Select the Company to delete and press enter key.
Press ALT + D
The window will be open on which delete Yes or No will be written.

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

Clicking enter key will delete the company. You can delete the company by pressing Y.

Shut Company

To close the company, Go to the Gateway of Tally window and press ALT + F1
The Company will be closed

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

Exit Tally

ESC will press after coming to the Gateway of Tally window to exit Tally. Quit? Yes or No window will be open. By pressing enter or Y, you will come out of the tally software.

How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally ERP9

In the post How to Create, Alter and Shut Company in Tally, we saw how to create a company in tally.erp9 and how to do alteration by entering into Alter if you want to make some changes in it and how to Shut down and Exit to company.


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