Point of sale in TallyPrime

Point of sale in TallyPrime Point of sale in TallyPrime पोस्ट में हम जानेंगे कि Point of sale (POS) क्या है। Point of sale के advantages क्या हैं, POS invoice को टैली प्राइम में रिकॉर्ड कैसे करते हैं और payment के multiple mode में POS invoice को कैसे रिकॉर्ड करते हैं। Point of sale एक बिलिंग प्रक्रिया है। रिटेल शॉप में use होने वाले अलग अलग POS है जैसे cash register, card reader, bar-code scanner etc. POS invoice को single या multiple payment modes में रिकॉर्ड किया जा सकता है। टैली प्राइम में POS को प्रिन्ट कर सकते हैं। रिपोर्ट में POS के लेनदेन की list देख सकते हैं। टैली प्राइम में configure में POS को activate करना होता है। Point of sale के advantage - Sale को calculate करने में मदद मिलती है। Cash को manage करने में मदद मिलती है। Inventory को manage करने में मदद मिलती है। Bar-code scan करने में मदद मिलती है। Inventory और sales database की query को लचीला और सरल तरीका प्रदान करने में मदद मिलती है। Product movement को track करने में मदद मिलती है। Sale date और time को track करने और rec

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Download / Install & Create Company in TallyPrime 

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company, in this post, we will see how to download TallyPrime from www.tallysolution.com and then how to install TallyPrime from the setup file. We will also see how to create a company in TallyPrime.

TallyPrime software is launched on 09/11/2020. TallyPrime software can be used both by educational and license. We used to update any release of Tally ERP9 with our software, but TallyPrime is new software, after downloading its setup file we will use it. The path, folder of Tally ERP9 and TallyPrime should be kept separate. So that you can use both TallyPrime and Tally ERP9. By using TallyPrime separately. You will understand all the functions very well.

Download TallyPrime -

To Download the TallyPrime setup file, go to www.tallysolutions/download web page and click on download.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Select the folder in which to save TallyPrime's setup file and then click on save. The setup file will be saved.

Install TallyPrime -

Double click on the setup file of TallyPrime. The setup manager's window will open.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

At the top of this window, we will see that till now we were using Tally ERP9 6.6.2 and TallyPrime is 1.0

If you are using Tally ERP9 and in this window, you click on update, then Tally ERP9 will be updated in automatic TallyPrime. If you want to use TallyPrime separately, then click on configure. Clicking on configure will open the window.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Click on Install new. Install application window will open.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Application path by default - c:\program files\TallyPrime. You can change the path. To change the path, click on configure, then double click on the application path. After changing the path, press CTRL + A and save. After changing the path, we will click on install. A successful installation window will open.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Click on Start TallyPrime. The window will open, it will have four options -

  1. Continue in Educational mode
  2. Use License from network
  3. Reactivate existing license
  4. Activate new license
If you have a license, you can use the license option. Here we will start TallyPrime in Educational mode, for this, click on continue in Educational mode. The window will open. Here, we will click on create company.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

The company creation window will open. Fill in the detail here.

Company data path - Select Path.
Company Name - ABC Ltd. (Name the Company)
Mailing Name - ABC Ltd.
Address - Company address will be filled.
State - Rajasthan (Where the Company is.)
Country - India (Where the Company is.)
Fill Pin code, Telephone, Mobile, Fax, e-mail, Website.
Base currency symbol and formal name - It come automatically when you select the country.
financial year beginning from - 01/04/2020
Books beginning from - 01/04/2020

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Save with entering or CTRL + A

If the company created in Tally ERP9 is to be used in TallyPrime. then first the company has to be selected and then migrated. Keep backup of data before migrating the company.

In the post-TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company we saw how to download the setup file of TallyPrime and then how to Install TallyPrime from the setup file. We saw how to create a company in TallyPrime.


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