Point of sale in TallyPrime

Point of sale in TallyPrime Point of sale in TallyPrime पोस्ट में हम जानेंगे कि Point of sale (POS) क्या है। Point of sale के advantages क्या हैं, POS invoice को टैली प्राइम में रिकॉर्ड कैसे करते हैं और payment के multiple mode में POS invoice को कैसे रिकॉर्ड करते हैं। Point of sale एक बिलिंग प्रक्रिया है। रिटेल शॉप में use होने वाले अलग अलग POS है जैसे cash register, card reader, bar-code scanner etc. POS invoice को single या multiple payment modes में रिकॉर्ड किया जा सकता है। टैली प्राइम में POS को प्रिन्ट कर सकते हैं। रिपोर्ट में POS के लेनदेन की list देख सकते हैं। टैली प्राइम में configure में POS को activate करना होता है। Point of sale के advantage - Sale को calculate करने में मदद मिलती है। Cash को manage करने में मदद मिलती है। Inventory को manage करने में मदद मिलती है। Bar-code scan करने में मदद मिलती है। Inventory और sales database की query को लचीला और सरल तरीका प्रदान करने में मदद मिलती है। Product movement को track करने में मदद मिलती है। Sale date और time को track करने और rec

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

Create, Alter, Select, and Shut Company 

In TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally post, we'll see the way to create a company in TallyPrime and if you would like to some changes within the created company, then we'll see the way to Alter. We will also see the select and shut option for the company.

In TallyPrime's Educational mode, we'll learn to company Create, Alter, Select and Shut option. Click on the link below to see the way to download and install TallyPrime.

TallyPrime - Download / Install and Create Company

Create Company

The Educational version of TallyPrime is free. Install the educational version of TallyPrime and click on the icon. The window will open.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

To work on the tutorial version, click on Continue in educational mode. The shortcut key (T) also can be pressed. The window will open.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

We will click on Create Company. The Company creation window will open.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

Company information to be filled in the company creation window

Company data path - If you want to change the company data path, then you can change it by clicking on the company data path.

Company Name - Fill in the name of the company.

Mailing Name - If the mailing name is different then it will fill otherwise the company name comes here after filling the company name.

Address - Will fill in the company's address.

Region - Not applicable show is there and UK show is in the country. We have to select India, so we will click on change country.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

State - The state in which your company is located will select. Here we are selecting Rajasthan.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

Save by pressing Enter key.

The company was created successfully. the window will open.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

All options here are YES. TDS option is NO. If your business is not of goods but of service then you will do No in inventory, If the business is of goods then all the options will remain YES. Press Enter or CTRL + A to save. The company will be created.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

Alter Company

Alter option will have to be used to make some changes in the company made in TallyPrime. In the Gateway of tally for Alter option, you will click on the F3:company with the mouse or you can also use the shortcut key F3.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

The Change Company window will open. Here Alter company will select and press enter.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

The Company alteration window will be open. After making changes, press enter or CTRL + A and save.

Select Company

If there are two or more companies in TallyPrime, then the company in which to work has to be selected. To select, use the option of a select company. In the Gateway of tally for a select company option, you will click on F3:company with the mouse or you can also use the shortcut key F3. Now select the select company option and press enter. The list of companies will come. The company in which to work will select the company and press enter.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

The company we selected and press Enter will visible at the top.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut Company - Learn Tally

Shut Company

Shut option has to be used to close the company in TallyPrime. In the Gateway of tally for Shut company option, you will click on the F3:company with the mouse or you can also use the shortcut key F3. Now select the Shut company and press enter. A list of companies will come. We will select the company to be closed and press enter.

The message will come - Do you want to shut the company? YES or NO

Click Yes or press Enter. The company we selected to close in TallyPrime will be closed.

TallyPrime - Create, Alter, Select and Shut company - Learn tally, in the post we learned to create the company in TallyPrime. If you have to make some changes in the company, then you have also seen how to use the Alter option, as well a select and Shut the company.


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